Our Work

Light for Uganda

A great harvest will come by planting good seeds. Seed planting is being done by providing financial help, training church leaders, encouragement, and fostering self-sufficiency.

We partner with Cornerstone House of Prayer ministry. Cornerstone House of Prayer in Fort Portal with its senior pastor, Moses Mujaguzi, is the on-field overseer and coordinator for all projects.

King’s Kids Orphanage in Fort Portal, Uganda

The orphanage gives ages 12-18 teens access to a place where they call home.  This environment provides them love, safety, a good education for their futures, and nourishment, both physical and spiritual.  City Hill School, a licensed school, is a part of the compound and ministry where they receive their education.

We work with the local church in Fort Portal, and other churches in western Uganda.

Special Projects for Sustainment and Relief

At times, we empower Ugandans by providing water wells, and projects for sustaining themselves.  In times of crisis, such as severe flooding and droughts, we may step in to send some relief.

We Welcome Volunteers for Short Term Mission Trips

We continue to take volunteers to impact lives in Fort Portal and in villages. No matter your skills or gifts, volunteers are fitted to their areas of interest on volunteer trips. An example of this is Mercy Healthcare Trips who we introduced to the area several years ago. Mercy Healthcare Trips, a non profit medical team,  has now made Fort Portal their Ugandan headquarters. Teams of American doctors and healthcare workers provide free medical care and perform life-saving surgeries.